Sunday, May 24, 2009

Haneyya's gov't urges Muslim FMs to declare Jerusalem capital of Palestine

[ 23/05/2009 - 09:38 PM ]

GAZA, (PIC)-- The democratically elected PA caretaker government of Premier Ismael Haneyya has called on Muslim foreign ministers to declare the occupied city of Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, and urged them to bridle the Israeli activities in the city.

In a statement he issued and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC, Tahir Al-Nonu, the spokesman of the PA government, called on the Foreign Ministers of Islamic countries meeting in the Syrian capital Damascus to support the Palestinian people in Jerusalem against the Israeli schemes that aim at forcing and removing them out of the city.

"They [Palestinian Jerusalemites] need swift and decisive action from their Arab and Muslim brothers now more than any time else as the Israeli campaign to Judaize the city reached alarming levels", Nuno pointed out in the statement.

Nuno also invited the foreign ministers of the 57 Muslim countries to take clear and decisive decision to renovate and to rebuild the destroyed Mosques in the 1948-occupied Palestinian lands after the Zionist occupation demolished tens of them, and turned many of them into casinos and nightclubs.

"We should all work together to preserve historic Muslim features that testify to the Palestinian people's rights in Palestine", Nuno underscored.

He said that Muslim foreign ministers should immediately layout the practical mechanisms to implement their decision to lift the siege on Gaza Strip, inviting them to visit the Gaza Strip so as to see for themselves the adverse repercussions, and the aggravated suffering of the Palestinian people as a result of the Israeli war on Gaza last January.

Furthermore, Nuno stressed that it is about time for the Muslim countries to start the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, and to rebuild what the Zionist occupation has destroyed.

Finally, Nuno urged the convening ministers to support the Egyptian efforts to restore the Palestinian national unity, and to achieve the national reconciliation, and not to deal with the "illegitimate" government of Salam Fayyadh that was installed by Abbas against the will of the Palestinian people, and through an undemocratic process.

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