Friday, March 21, 2008


Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Salam alaykum:
Will you help me to forward this important message and links to our new sites? I make dua for you and ask Allah to accept all your deeds, ameen.
Salam alaykum,
Yusuf Estes
(copy everything below this line and paste and send out, inshallah): _______________________________________
Answers for "Harsh Attacks Against Islam" from: Dr. Zakir Naik, Yusuf Estes, Mutahhir Sabree, Sheikh Jafar Idris, Imam Mohamed S. Adly, Sister Ameena, Dr. Jamal Badawi, Dr. Bilal Philips, Sister Ameena Asilmi, Yasir Qadhi, Sheikh Salim Morgan and more . . .
Tired of Attacks against Islam, Allah, Quran and our prophet, peace be upon him?
Do you wish there were websites in simple English - only from Muslim sources?
IT's HERE - Answers - AT LAST - in simple English - the perfect SEARCH for ISLAM -> -> enter 'key words' just like in Google -> choose any page -> only Muslims answers
[all answers are only from Islamic Sources] -> get the answers now -> before it's too late
Some one asks HARSH QUESTIONS [You go to] -> You type in Key word 'harsh' -> see results -> choose one -> Answer
Try these examples:
* "Why Ayesha married so young?" -> Key words 'ayesha' + 'marriage' -> choose any result -> all have good answers
* "Why 4 wives?" -> Key word 'wives' -> Even Muslims feel better after reading results found here
* "Kill all the Christians & Jews?" -> Key words 'kill jews and christians' -> The truth about these verses
* "Pray to a black box in the desert?" -> Key words 'black, box, desert' -> Very funny -> but it still needs an answer
* "Beat your wives?" -> Key words 'beat, wives' -> Serious and to the point according to real Islam
* "Why Terrorism & Violence?" -> Key word 'terrorism' -> Islam is the real enemy to terrorism, find out how and why
* "Oppress women?" -> Key words 'women, oppress' -> Why is treatment of women different than men in Islam? Find out.
* "Moon God - Allah?" -> Key words 'moon god, allah' -> choose one -> (exact answer) <- This is a good example of answers you find on our sites

thank you Altaf